Favorites by Year

1.       Twin Peaks: The Return (David Lynch)
2.       Good Time (Sadfies)
3.       Downsizing (Alexander Payne)
4.       Phantom Thread (Paul Thomas Anderson)
5.       Ex Libris (Frederick Wiseman)
6.       Brawl in Cell Block 99 (S. Craig Zahler)
7.       mother! (Darren Aronofsky)
8.       All These Sleepless Night (Michal Marczak)
9.       Logan Lucky (Steven Soderbergh)
10.   Dawson City: Frozen Time (Bill Morrison)

HM: Coco, The Lost City of Z, By the Time it Gets Dark, The Florida Project.

1.       Everybody Wants Some (Richard Linklater)
2.       Manchester by the Sea (Kenneth Lonnergan)
3.       The Other Side (Roberto Minervini)
4.       Love and Friendship (Whit Stillman)
5.       Silence (Martin Scorsese)
6.       Right Now, Wrong Then (Hong Sang Soo)
7.       The Wailing (Hong-jin Na)
8.       Allied (Robert Zemeckis)
9.       Paterson (Jim Jarmusch)
10.   O.J.: Made in America (Ezra Edelman)

HM: Hail Caesar!, The VVitch, The Shallows, Things to Come, Sunset Song, No Home Movie, Certain Women, Cemetery of Splendor.

1.       Timbuktu (Abderrahmane Sissako)
2.       Heaven Knows What (Sadfies)
3.       Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller)
4.       Hard to be a God (Aleksei German)
5.       Inside Out (Pete Doctor)
6.       About Elly (Asghar Farhadi)
7.       Bridge of Spies (Steven Spielberg)
8.       Creed (Ryan Coogler)
9.       In Jackson Heights (Frederick Wiseman)
10.   Blackhat (Michael Mann)

HM: The Green Inferno, Bone Tomahawk, The Mend, Buzzard, The Good Dinosaur, Knock Knock, Magic Mike XXL.

1.       Boyhood (Richard Linklater)
2.       The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson)
3.       Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch)
4.       Gone Girl (David Fincher)
5.       The Guest (Adam Wingate)
6.       Winter Light (Nuri Bilge Ceylan)
7.       The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Isao Takahata)
8.       The Homesman (Tommy Lee Jones)
9.       Inherent Vice (Paul Thomas Anderson)
10.   The Immigrant (James Gray)

HM: The Overnighters, Under the Skin, They Came Together, Land Ho!, National Gallery, Non-Stop, Two Days One Night, The Last of the Unjust, Edge of Tomorrow, Stray Dogs, Draft Day, Jersey Boys, American Sniper, Unfriended.


1.       The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese)
2.       Like Someone in Love (Abbas Kiarostami)
3.       Junior War (Ryan Trecartin)
4.       The World’s End (Edgar Wright)
5.       Bastards (Claire Denis)
6.       Beyond the Hills (Cristian Mungui)
7.       A Touch of Sin (Zhangke Jia)
8.       At Berkley (Frederick Wiseman)
9.       The Wind Rises (Hideo Miyazaki)
10.   Gravity (Alfonso Cuaron)

HM: Leviathan, To the Wonder, Inside Llewyn Davis, The Grandmaster, Blue is the Warmest Color, Evil Dead, The Lords of Salem, Mud, Before Midnight, Nebraska, Drug War, Prince Avalanche.

Can’t rank
Holy Motors (Carax)
Lincoln (Spielberg)
Tabu (Gomes)
Wanderlust (Wain)
Zero Dark Thirty (Bigelow)
Moonrise Kingdom (Anderson)
The Queen of Versailles (Greenfield)
The Grey (Carnahan) & Killer Joe (Friedkin)
The Kid with a Bike (Dardennes)
Magic Mike (Soderbergh)

HM: The Turin Horse, Bernie, The Deep Blue Sea, Oslo August 31st, The Secret World of Arrietty, Damsels in Distress, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Skyfall, Neighboring Sounds, Cosmopolis, Haywire, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, How to Survive a Plague. 

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